ICT Support

Our Logix's approach to ICT support has established us as a forward thinking and more importantly proactive ICT provider

It is no longer viable to simply wait for an engineer to visit your school on their scheduled day. ICT is embedded across the entire school and almost every department relies on it and with this demand comes the importance of having balance between reactive and proactive support.

Our support program brings a corporate philosophy of minimising potential downtime through remote monitoring of the core, onsite engineers visits and providing all members of staff with an uncapped remote help desk which can assist them on the fly throughout the day, no more writing into a fault book and waiting for an engineer!

If reliability and development is to be achieved, it’s vitally important that you have a support partner that offers much more than simply an engineer presence, proactive support of your schools vital core components need to monitored to eliminate frustrating downtime that should have been avoided. We would love to talk more about your support requirements, so feel free to contact us and one of our team will be in touch.