Onsite / Cloud Backup

Cloud Solutions

Cloud computing is changing the way that schools operate, moving away from locally installed tools and resources and utilising the power of the internet. Not only can the cloud help schools to deliver and manage lessons, it can also help you to manage your infrastructure, provide secure off-site back up and enable you to communicate and collaborate like never before.

Storage and Back-up

Logix’ supported schools benefit from the excellent partnerships that we have forged over the years with a number of education-friendly cloud providers. As cloud storage and backup have become a bigger part of the ICT landscape in schools, we have become experts at deploying cloud solutions that streamline management and make life easier for schools and administrators alike.

Things to look out for when assessing a cloud solution for your school

Scalable – storage and backup capacity should grow with your school’s requirements without having to make any major changes
Flexible – it should be able to accommodate users running various operating systems and devices such as desktops, notebooks and servers alike
Centralised management – administration should be policy-based with various levels of administration rights
Simplicity of use – managing and accessing your school’s data should never be an unnecessary drain on man-hours and learning time