About Logix

Our objective is to “delight the customer” working with each school to create a bespoke solution.


Logix was founded in 1990 with a unique approach to ICT in schools. Logix ICT has very strong technical engineering skills, and we commit the necessary investment, to ensure our network solutions are superior to the competition on every level. To achieve what a school needs from their ICT, it is critical to optimise each of the components in the network chain and to deliver an infrastructure that is fast and works reliably.

Logix is different; our solution offers your school:

Reduce your total costs – our solutions offer best value and sustainability
Efficient and friendly support – our aim is to ensure you are “delighted” with the service
Best value advice – expert recommendations and guidance to help you develop your ICT
Solutions tailored to your needs – anything you need, we can help!
A faster and more reliable network – proven to deliver optimal performance